Friday, September 27, 2013

July 17-Travel day to Grand Falls Windsor

Today was a travel day again.  We worked our way south again, stopping at Arches Provincial Park, a pretty spot on the side of the highway 430.  We wanted to see it on our trip north, but the sign was so small and the road so narrow that we drove right past it and couldn't see a safe spot to turn around.  It was worth the effort to find it again.  
The story of the arches forming.

The boys had to climb it of course!
The rocks were super smooth

It's bigger than it looks when you first walk up to the shore!
 We made a side trip back into Rocky Harbour for fuel and snacks, and it seemed so familiar, we wanted to stay! Drove to Deer Lake, then back on the TCH (Trans Canada Highway) east heading for our next campsite.  We had booked at Sanger Memorial Park in Grand Falls Windsor (GFW), and after the last few campsites I wasn't sure what to expect, but this place was awesome.  The sites were big, the showers were HOT and clean and private, and the place looked soft (which sounds weird, but there was grass and trees and kids on bikes and rolling hills, it looked like Ontario).  We decided to eat in town as GFW is a big town, and we hit a Jungle Jim's in the mall.  Not very impressed.  We spent the evening walking along the river, meeting the dogs going for a walk, and watching the little salmon jumping for bugs-that was fun. (440 km)

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